Make a Financial Donation

Virtual Santa Shoebox


Virtual Santa Shoeboxes (VSS) are made by teams of volunteers and allocated to underprivileged children living in remote areas of South Africa. Due to the lack of donors in rural areas, these children would otherwise not receive a Santa Shoebox and quite possibly no end-of-year gift at all.

Every VSS contains all 8 required items:
* Toothbrush & toothpaste
* Soap & facecloth
* School supplies
* Toy
* Sweets
* A PEP voucher for an outfit of clothing

Additional sponsored items are added as available and age-appropriate. These include books and teen hygiene products.

The cheerfully printed Shoeboxes are packaged, delivered and personally handed to the beneficiary child.

Should your purchase of a Virtual Santa Shoebox be received after the Shoeboxes for the current Campaign have been allocated and delivered, your VSS will be carried over to the following year – and packed, allocated and delivered as above.

The VSS also serves as the Projects’ sustainability tool. Thanks to the enormous generosity of component sponsors, your purchase yields funds which are used to ensure that the Project is able to continue in its mission of uplifting and empowering underprivileged children throughout South Africa and in Namibia.

Simply select the quantity of Shoeboxes you wish to purchase, and we’ll do the rest.

Purchase Now




You of course! Along with our fantastic sponsors who have generously donated goods and services.

In its 17 years, South Africa’s best-loved children’s charity has touched the lives of 1 226 756 underprivileged children throughout South Africa and Namibia.
As a Level One Contributor to B-BBEE, Santa Shoebox earns its supporters 135% procurement recognition. With its Section 18A status as a Public Benefit Organisation, the Project is able to provide a tax-deductible receipt in recognition of sponsorships and / or donations. The Project is an initiative of the JOG Trust (IT2671/2009). The Trust is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO-930031301) and a Non Profit Organisation (NPO 102-098) and is 100% SED compliant, holding a current ICPR.

If you are resident in South Africa and would like a tax deductible receipt issued for your donation, please send your request to with proof of donation attached to your email. Please also provide your full name, your physical or postal address and the e-mail address to which the receipt must be sent.
As we would really like to acknowledge your support, please consider registering as a donor so that we can keep you informed about milestones and deadlines. Thank you for supporting the Santa Shoebox Project.

An initiative of the JOG Trust IT2671/2009 | PBO-930031301 | NPO 102-098