Now in its 19th year, South Africa’s best-loved children’s charity, the Santa Shoebox Project, has reached 1 226 756 under-privileged children in total.

A Step Towards Brighter Tomorrows, our theme for 2024, refers to the varied ways in which Santa Shoebox Project supporters can uplift the life of a child in need by pledging a Shoebox – either Traditional or Virtual – and by supporting the SSP Legacy in addressing Early Childhood Development.

From 1 September each year you can Pledge a Traditional Santa Shoebox containing:

* Toothbrush
* Toothpaste
* Soap
* Facecloth
* School supplies
* Toy
* Sweets
* An outfit of clothing
* All new, unused and age-appropriate

Pledging 20 Shoeboxes or more? You get a head start! Register your Team Pledge by clicking HERE.

You are also able to purchase a Virtual Santa Shoebox (VSS) year-round. These Shoeboxes are made by teams of volunteers, and allocated to underprivileged children living in remote areas of South Africa. Due to the lack of donors in rural areas, these children would otherwise not receive a Santa Shoebox, and quite possibly no end-of-year gift at all.

Create or update your Supporter Profile to access lists of beneficiary children’s names by logging in.

Follow the journey of a Santa Shoebox here.