Why Giving Back Should Be Your Top Resolution in 2025

The most popular New Year’s resolutions for 2025 include saving money (26%), exercising more (22%), and adopting healthier eating habits (20%). Yet, one resolution that can improve both personal happiness and community well-being—giving back—remains overlooked.

Deb Zelezniak, CEO of the Santa Shoebox Project, highlights how contributing to others’ well-being can improve our own happiness and mental health, which were resolutions for 22% and 17% of individuals, respectively. “Acts of kindness and community involvement align closely with these aspirations and offer profound benefits.”

“It is often said that ‘it’s better to give than receive’, and scientific studies back this up,” she points out.
Reports show that performing acts of kindness can help lessen the symptoms of depression and anxiety, boost life satisfaction, and raise self-esteem.” Zelezniak explains that volunteering, which encourages connections with others, also offers significant mental health benefits, including stress relief, a sense of belonging, heightened self-worth, and the opportunity to share positive experiences. “What’s more, volunteers tend to enjoy longer lives.”

With this in mind, Zelezniak calls on all to volunteer a few hours with the organisation and experience the true joy of giving. “Whether you’re a skilled organiser or simply want to add ‘helping others’ to your goals for the year, there’s a way for everyone to make a difference.”

“Our efforts begin in February when we need coordinators to manage Project satellites nationwide. From October, our busiest period, we’ll require even more hands-on-deck as gifts for children in need across South Africa and Namibia come flooding in. All you need is a friendly smile, reliable transport, and regular access to a computer, the internet, and WhatsApp.”

In 2024, the Santa Shoebox Project reached 74,751 children with the help of over 500 volunteers. “In 2025, we aim to impact 80,000 lives, and we need your help to make it happen,” she concludes. “By volunteering, you’ll not only bring joy to children-in-need but also experience the personal rewards of giving back.”

Make 2025 the year you truly make a difference—one child, one gift, one act of kindness at a time.
Visit santashoebox.org.za to join this rewarding journey.

About the Santa Shoebox Project

Traditional Santa Shoebox: Over the last 19 years, 1 301 508 Santa Shoeboxes, each containing eight specified items of treats and essentials, have been given to underprivileged and socially vulnerable children throughout South Africa and Namibia. From 01 September each year, Santa Shoebox donors choose their beneficiary child/ren by name, age and gender and are given the child’s clothing size. Each personalised shoebox reaches the very child for whom it was pledged.

Virtual Santa Shoebox: These shoeboxes are purchased online by donors and are available year-round, meeting the needs of donors who live too far from drop-off points, are too busy to shop or have health issues. Components are chosen by the donor on the Santa Shoebox website, the shoeboxes are packed by the Santa Shoebox Team and delivered to children attending far-flung rural facilities. A VSS contains the eight specified items, as well as additional items, such as a lunchbox and books, and costs R450 plus an optional delivery fee of R30.

SSP Legacy: All Santa Shoebox Project operating costs are covered by corporate sponsors. Privately donated funds and surplus funds generated by the sale of Virtual Santa Shoeboxes accrue to the SSP Legacy and are used to bring permanent change to the lives of Santa Shoebox beneficiary children and the impoverished communities in which they live. SSP Legacy initiatives have thus far reached more than 125 000 children.

Fiduciary information: As a Level One Contributor to B-BBEE, the Santa Shoebox Project earns 100 points on the generic scorecard, and with Section 18A status, is able to provide a tax-deductible receipt in recognition of donations. The Project is an initiative of the JOG Trust (IT2671/2009). The Trust is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO-930031301), a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 102-098) and holds a current ICPR in support of 100% SED compliance.

Social media:
TikTok: @santa.shoebox
Facebook: /SantaShoebox
X: @SantaShoebox
Instagram: /santashoebox
YouTube: The Santa Shoebox Project
Pinterest: /santashoebox