SSP Legacy brings permanent change to the lives of Santa Shoebox beneficiary children and to the impoverished communities in which they live, by establishing new and transforming existing Early Childhood Development Centres in rural South Africa, with the focus on infrastructure & DBE (Department of Basic Education) registration, teacher training, early literacy and water solutions.
Pictured here is Santa Shoebox Legacy’s 5th BUILD project, Zisizeni Educare in the uThukela District of KZN, which was presented to the community on 27 July 2024. Zisizeni, which means “you can help yourself if you try” now has two classrooms housing 40 children, two toilets, a kitchen and an office, which doubles as a sickbay. It also has a delightful playground and is fenced in to ensure the safety of the 40 children in attendance.
As most of the operating costs of the Santa Shoebox Project are covered by the Project’s main sponsor PEP, all private donations contribute towards the SSP Legacy.
The first roll-out was in 2014 when the need for basic First Aid training was identified. SSP collaborated with the South African Red Cross Society – benefiting not only the children, but the wider community.
In 2015 and 2016, Hippo Roller water collection barrels were distributed to families who don’t have the luxury of running water in their own homes, enabling them to easily transport 90 litres of water.
As an integral component of the 3-year March To A Million, from 2017 the Legacy funds accumulated until the millionth Shoebox was achieved in 2020.
Since that time, the SSP Legacy has focussed on 4 areas of upliftment – BUILD, LEARN, READ and HELP – referring to the transformation of ECD Centres, training of ECD practitioners, installation of reading corners in ECDs and ad hoc assistance.
Read more here –
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