Wow Boy edited

The JOG (Joy of Giving) Trust is the custodian of the Santa Shoebox Project.

The JOG vision is that of connecting people through the central message of “The Joy of Giving” – not only the giving of material or financial resources but also of time, skill, knowledge, patience and love.

Trustees do not earn salaries, and all sponsorship is used to sustain, promote and enhance the various projects run by the Trust.

“Through acts of kindness, The JOG Trust creates access to educational resources for the children of South Africa and Namibia.”

As a Level One Contributor to B-BBEE, Santa Shoebox earns its supporters 135% procurement recognition. With its Section 18A status as a Public Benefit Organisation, the Project is able to provide a tax-deductible receipt in recognition of sponsorships and / or donations. The Project is an initiative of the JOG Trust (IT2671/2009). The Trust is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO-930031301) and a Non Profit Organisation (NPO 102-098) and is 100% SED compliant.

Tax deductible receipts – Section 18a donations tax exemption

If you are resident in South Africa and would like a tax deductible receipt issued for your donation, please send your request to with proof of donation attached to your e-mail. Please also provide your full name, your physical or postal address and the e-mail address to which the receipt must be sent.

As we would really like to acknowledge your support, please consider registering as a donor so that we can keep you informed about our project.

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